University of Stirlng Prospectus (ref. UA/C/4)
The Preliminary Prospectus for the University of Stirling was produced in June 1966. This small black and white booklet outlined the 13 individual subjects that would be available in October 1967: English studies, Modern Languages (French and German or Russian), History, Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, Politics, Education (combining professional training), Psychology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The preliminary prospectus also included a full list of academic and administrative staff, many stillĀ “To be appointed”.

Compare this with the 2016 the prospectus which is a full colour, sophisticated marketing tool with glossy photographs of the campus and students. The University now offers a huge range of subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate level. There are opportunities to study abroad and to join a global community with Stirling graduates in 149 countries. Hyperlinks provide prospective students with a huge range of information about what the University of Stirling can offer including video endorsements from current students.

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